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What Is Adventurers?
Adventurers is a christian activity-based program for children
aged 4 to 9 years old. It is run by volunteers. It is a family-
based program and is designed to support parents/caregivers
and provide Bible-based learning and new skills for children.
Adventurer Clubs are found all over the world.
Who Can Join An Adventurer Club?
The Adventurer Club is organized by the Seventh-day
Adventist Church, but joining a Club and participation is open
to everyone, go to your local Adventist Church for information.
The program can also be adapted for children in remote areas
where there is no Club available.
What Happens At Adventurers?
A club meeting may include a club flag, parade and uniforms.
The Adventurer Pledge and Law is recited. Many Clubs sing an
Adventurer Song. As it is a Christian program, prayer and
worship are an essential part. Then it is time for activity-based
progressive age-appropriate classes. There is a series of six
classes, one for each year from ages 4 to 9. Adventurers also
earn badges known as Stars, Diamonds and Awards.
To join the Kerrville Pups Adventurer Club please fill out the form below:

2021 Investiture

Field Trip to Sea World

Sand Art Class