ANNOUNCEMENT: God's Closet gives through designated Event Days. These days are announced at approximately one month in advance. We do not hold public hours nor do we have access to our inventory in between event days.
Thank you for your understanding!
Our first God's Closet Shopping day took place on December of 2019 and since then we have received, sorted, organized and distributed children's clothing for families in the Kerrville area and beyond .
God's Closet was able to serve through the pandemic.
During a set day, families from the community are invited to come and receive free children's clothing for their families. The clothing comes from donations from our community and they are sorted by size, etc so that parents have an easier time finding the clothes they need.
We are so thankful for the outpouring of generosity from our church and the community at large as we bless others.
For the last 3 years, we have served 1000's of families with clothing for their children and for this we give all glory to God.
Volunteers are always welcome and needed in the areas of sorting, set up, clean up, computer skills and more. Contact us today to be a part of this growing ministry.
To volunteer click on the link below:
"....Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
Matthew 25:40
What is the Gospel? I heard someone ask.
How to describe what’s so simple, and yet, so profound –
The good news of Jesus – I cannot describe.
But I can tell you how it turned my life around.
I once chose clothes for their looks,
Their cost, lasting fabric and brand,
Proudly I wore them day in and day out.
But what a surprise it was to find out
That the price I had paid was simply too high
These clothes were not made for eternal reward
As they did not withstand the test of time
When showers of trials came into my life,
The bright colors soon turned into gray
The golden threads, of the "durable cloth"
Turned to be brittle and short-lasting yarn.
These were made up of self-serving pride,
The need to always be right, controlling demeanor
Suspicion, seeing the worst and hanging on to offense.
In trying to patch and to mend,
I would move from one bad habit to the next,
From one broken relationship to the next-
Until one day, when I felt the bitter cold at the day’s end,
I realized those “fine” clothes were rags not worthy to wear.
It was then that I looked up and saw a sign
A small shop which read “Warm Clothes Made to Last.”
Was this what I needed? I thought.
I struggled to decide whether to enter or not,
When trembling and cold I needed some warmth.
Then I determined to give it a chance
And enter the place were clothes were made to last
The clothes looked so simple at first glance.
But then the master designer came into my sight –
His look was so gentle, no frown in His brow,
And with a smile He invited me in for a chat.
He carefully listened to all that I said
And offered to exchange a pure gown for my rags.
This gown was light, soft, and warm.
It seemed to give wings to my steps.
“How much do I owe you?” I queried in awe,
And the Master Designer looked into my eye,
“The price has been paid, oh child of mine –
No need to pay but only to trust.”
And so I replied, “Please tell me of the make
Of this beautiful gown,
For I only trust what I can buy.
How do I know if this gown will last?”
“The fabric of love is all mine.
Each fiber and each thread my Son Jesus has supplied.
With gem-like strands the Holy Spirit holds them together
for you to liveth the fullest of life.
The price was paid by my Son with His life.
If you believe it, this robe is yours. Do you?
“Does this mean your Son paid for the gown
So I can be free from self-serving pride
And live a life of love and selfless delight?
I looked at my torn and filthy clothes
In contrast to the pure, soft and clean.
Pondering the invitation, I answered, “I do.”
With a smile on His face He said,
“Grow close to my Son for He loves you so
That He paid the price that you may live in delight.
Learning to know Him will be
The greatest adventure of your life.
“He would love to hear from you often
To know you and to spend time with you
So, to keep these clothes in good condition,
Read His love letter to you, as found in this Book
It is the roadmap to a better life here
And to the home He’s building for you above.”
The comfort of peace flooded my being.
My life was changed that day.
Sometimes I felt a pull to the old ways
But then I remembered how it was
When on that cold and gray day,
The Master Designer came to my aid
And since then, life only got better each day.
Even in trials, Jesus is there, my constant companion and only true friend.
And you, my friend? Have you found that beautiful place?
He’s anxious to cover you with His gown of grace
And show you how great it is to walk in His steps.